Gym Flow Style


Colton was always a stickler for looking good, even when he was working out. He believed that if you looked good, you felt good, and that feeling good helped you push yourself harder in the gym. So, every day before he headed to the gym, he would take extra care to put together an outfit that was both stylish and functional.

One day, Colton decided to try out a new gym that had just opened up in his neighborhood. He wanted to make a good impression, so he put on his nicest activewear outfit. It was a perfect fitting drifit shirt with a classic 7" active short. He felt confident and ready to take on any workout.

As Colton walked into the gym, he immediately noticed that everyone else was wearing old, ratty clothes. He felt a little self-conscious, but he decided to just focus on his workout and not worry about what other people thought.

Colton started his workout with some light cardio on the treadmill. He then moved on to some weightlifting exercises plus a little boxing. He was feeling strong and energized, and he knew that his nice activewear was helping him perform at his best.

After his workout, Colton was feeling great. He had pushed himself hard, and he was proud of himself for doing so. He also felt good about the way he looked. He knew that he had turned heads in his nice activewear, and he didn't care what anyone else thought.

Colton continued to wear his nice activewear to the gym every day. He quickly became known as the "best-dressed guy in the gym," and he didn't mind the attention. He knew that he looked good, and he felt good, and that was all that mattered to him.

This is a fictional story inspired by where you can wear this men's style.

Model: Colton (he/him/his) @carnahancolton

Photos: Alan Rust (he/him/his)

He is wearing his own great fitting activewear.


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