Winter Style


Carter wearing winter style form the Houston White collection at Target

Carter, a mischievous glint in his eye, surveyed his reflection in the mirror. The city lights twinkled back from the window, mirroring the excitement dancing in his chest.  His outfit was a masterpiece. A designer coast fit him like a second skin, the fabric whispering promises of confidence. A warm turtleneck peeked out from beneath. Cartier's secret weapon, however, was his smile. It was the kind that could disarm suspicion and melt frosty hearts, practiced in front of countless bathroom mirrors.

Stepping out onto the bustling streets, the city embraced him. The cacophony of honking taxis and chattering crowds became a symphony, the neon lights his personal spotlight. Carter glided through the throng, a ninja navigating the urban jungle.

His first stop was a hidden jazz bar, tucked away in a forgotten alley. He sidled in, the smoky air thick with anticipation. The music, a bluesy lament, swirled around him, and Cartier felt himself swaying to its rhythm. He caught the eye of a woman across the room, her lips curved in a knowing smile. A subtle nod, a shared secret smile - the game was afoot.

The night unfolded like a dream. He danced with abandon, his wit as sharp as his clothes. He regaled strangers with tales spun from half-truths and borrowed charm, leaving them breathless and wanting more. His laughter echoed through the city, each note a testament to his meticulously crafted persona.

But as the city lights began to dim, a flicker of doubt touched Carter's heart. Was this truly him, or just a well-rehearsed act? He stole away from the revelry, seeking solace in a moonlit park.

Gazing at the stars, he realized his carefully constructed identity had become a cage. He missed the unassuming Carter, the one who found joy in quiet moments and genuine connections.

The city lights faded, replaced by the soft hues of morning, and Carter, with a mischievous glint back in his eye, knew this was just the beginning of his story. After all, a true charmer knows the best performances are the ones that come from the heart.

This is a fictional story inspired by where you can wear this men's style.

Model: Carter (he/him/his) @cj_williams16_

Photos: Alan Rust (he/him/his) @alanrrust

He is wearing his own white sneaks. The plaid coat and turtleneck are from the Houston White collection at Target. The linen joggers are from H&M.

Carter wearing Houston White winter gear


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